432 research outputs found

    U(N) Gauge Theory and Lattice Strings

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    The U(N) gauge theory on a D-dimensional lattice is reformulated as a theory of lattice strings (a statistical model of random surfaces). The Boltzmann weights of the surfaces can have both signs and are tuned so that the longitudinal modes of the string are elliminated. The U(\infty) gauge theory is described by noninteracting planar surfaces and the 1/N corrections are produced by surfaces with higher topology as well as by contact interactions due to microscopic tubes, trousers, handles, etc. We pay special attention to the case D=2 where the sum over surfaces can be performed explicitly, and demonstrate that it reproduces the known exact results for the free energy and Wilson loops in the continuum limit. In D=4 dimensions, our lattice string model reproduces the strong coupling phase of the gauge theory. The weak coupling phase is described by a more complicated string whose world surface may have windows. A possible integration measure in the space of continuous surfaces is suggested.Comment: 37 pages, 11 figures not included ; An extended version explaining in addition the construction of the lattice string ansatz in D >2 dimensions. (Note that the title has been changed.

    Complex Curve of the Two Matrix Model and its Tau-function

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    We study the hermitean and normal two matrix models in planar approximation for an arbitrary number of eigenvalue supports. Its planar graph interpretation is given. The study reveals a general structure of the underlying analytic complex curve, different from the hyperelliptic curve of the one matrix model. The matrix model quantities are expressed through the periods of meromorphic generating differential on this curve and the partition function of the multiple support solution, as a function of filling numbers and coefficients of the matrix potential, is shown to be the quasiclassical tau-function. The relation to softly broken N=1 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theories is discussed. A general class of solvable multimatrix models with tree-like interactions is considered.Comment: 36 pages, 10 figures, TeX; final version appeared in special issue of J.Phys. A on Random Matrix Theor

    Generalized Penner models to all genera

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    We give a complete description of the genus expansion of the one-cut solution to the generalized Penner model. The solution is presented in a form which allows us in a very straightforward manner to localize critical points and to investigate the scaling behaviour of the model in the vicinity of these points. We carry out an analysis of the critical behaviour to all genera addressing all types of multi-critical points. In certain regions of the coupling constant space the model must be defined via analytical continuation. We show in detail how this works for the Penner model. Using analytical continuation it is possible to reach the fermionic 1-matrix model. We show that the critical points of the fermionic 1-matrix model can be indexed by an integer, mm, as it was the case for the ordinary hermitian 1-matrix model. Furthermore the mm'th multi-critical fermionic model has to all genera the same value of γstr\gamma_{str} as the mm'th multi-critical hermitian model. However, the coefficients of the topological expansion need not be the same in the two cases. We show explicitly how it is possible with a fermionic matrix model to reach a m=2m=2 multi-critical point for which the topological expansion has alternating signs, but otherwise coincides with the usual Painlev\'{e} expansion.Comment: 27 pages, PostScrip

    The Color--Flavor Transformation of induced QCD

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    The Zirnbauer's color-flavor transformation is applied to the U(Nc)U(N_c) lattice gauge model, in which the gauge theory is induced by a heavy chiral scalar field sitting on lattice sites. The flavor degrees of freedom can encompass several `generations' of the auxiliary field, and for each generation, remaining indices are associated with the elementary plaquettes touching the lattice site. The effective, color-flavor transformed theory is expressed in terms of gauge singlet matrix fields carried by lattice links. The effective action is analyzed for a hypercubic lattice in arbitrary dimension. We investigate the corresponding d=2 and d=3 dual lattices. The saddle points equations of the model in the large-NcN_c limit are discussed.Comment: 24 pages, 6 figures, to appear in Int. J. Mod. Phys.


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    Поширеність аутоімунного тиреоїдиту(АІТ) в Україні за останні 10 років зросла на 68 %.АІТ є найчастішою причиною гіпотиреозу (70–80 % випадків). Ендотеліальна дисфункція (ЕД),що формується в умовах запального процесу, насьогодні розцінюється як основний патогенетич-ний чинник формування атеросклеротичногоураження судин, яке є морфологічною основоюішемічної хвороби серця (ІХС). Тому пошук пока-зових маркерів ЕД як при АІТ, так і при атероскле-розі (АС), є актуальним для оптимізації діагности-ки, оцінки перебігу та ефективності лікувальнихзаходів

    Non-Perturbative Effects in Matrix Models and D-branes

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    The large order growth of string perturbation theory in c1c\le 1 conformal field theory coupled to world sheet gravity implies the presence of O(e1gs)O(e^{-{1\over g_s}}) non-perturbative effects, whose leading behavior can be calculated in the matrix model approach. Recently it was proposed that the same effects should be reproduced by studying certain localized D-branes in Liouville Field Theory, which were constructed by A. and Al. Zamolodchikov. We discuss this correspondence in a number of different cases: unitary minimal models coupled to Liouville, where we compare the continuum analysis to the matrix model results of Eynard and Zinn-Justin, and compact c=1 CFT coupled to Liouville in the presence of a condensate of winding modes, where we derive the matrix model prediction and compare it to Liouville theory. In both cases we find agreement between the two approaches. The c=1 analysis also leads to predictions about properties of D-branes localized in the vicinity of the tip of the cigar in SL(2)/U(1) CFT with c=26.Comment: 27 pages, lanlmac; minor change